Please note that we do accept payments by credit card. In order to provide the best possible security for your payment information, all of our payments, including our credit card payments are processed by PayPal. You do not need to have (or to sign up for) a PayPal account to place a credit card payment. If you are having any problems with your credit card, please check the following:
If you are using a Taiwan credit card:
Due to a recently passed Taiwanese law, holders of Taiwanese PayPal accounts (that is us) are not able to accept payments from other Taiwanese PayPal accounts or from Taiwan credit cards. We have provided the option of making payments by ATM transfer for Taiwanese customers. If your credit card is NOT from Taiwan, this should not affect you.
If you are paying in Taiwan dollars with a non-Taiwanese card:
It seems that occasionally either PayPal or credit card companies will treat online transactions in Taiwan dollars with suspicion and reject the transaction. I haven’t been able to get any confirmation of this, but it seems especially common when a customer is traveling. (Card from country A, order placed from IP in country B, to country C (Taiwan) in Taiwan dollars) If this happens, please try the following. First, try re-placing the order in US dollars. For some reason, that seems to be less suspicious and the order usually goes through. Second, try placing the order with a different credit card. It may also help to place the order from a different device/computer or clear your cache/cookies. Finally, if neither of those two options work, you may have to call your credit card company and tell them that it really is you trying to place the order.
If the link to pay by credit card is missing from the PayPal payment page:
Some people have reported that there is no link to pay by credit card on the PayPal page. Instead there is only a link to sign into your PayPal account. You will get this message if you have a PayPal account associated with the email address you provided. Often, it is an old account that the account holder hasn’t used in years and has completely forgotten about. If this happens, you can either sign into the PayPal account and pay with your PayPal balance or you can go back and place the order with a different email account.
If you are experiencing another problem:
If none of these solve the problem, please contact us by email at Please provide as much information as possible including any error messages or a screenshot of the problem. We also have a more complete FAQ page here.