Tulip Bouquet


Tulips are always a symbol of spring and love. They are one of the most frequently requested flowers. This bouquet is available in 2 sizes. The standard bouquet consists of 18-20 blossoms. You can select up to two colors for the standard bouquet. The large bouquet consists of 28-30 blossoms and you can select up to 3 colors. Available colors are purple, yellow, orange, red, pink, and white. Please note that although you can select 2-3 colors, we cannot guarantee that those colors will be available. Please give us a couple of backup colors in case your first choices are not available. If your first color choices are not available and you do not provide alternative choices, we will use our best judgement and select colors.

Important notes. Although Tulips are a favorite flower of many people and one of the most commonly requested items, there are a few things to know before you order.

  1. Tulips are a seasonal flower, usually available in the early spring. They are not usually available in hot weather and even if they are, they do not last in hot Taipei weather. It might be best to inquire before ordering.
  2. Tulips are imported flowers that we do not normally carry in stock. Please order at least 5 days in advance or contact us before ordering to inquire about availability. They are not available for same day delivery.
  3. With all imported flowers, despite the best laid plans, shipments are occasionally delayed or expected flowers are not included in the shipment. When ordering, we request that you advise us what to do if the flowers are not available on the requested date. Options are: to delay the order until they are available, choose a second arrangement from our site to serve as a backup, allow Vanessa to design a custom bouquet, or cancel the order. We need to know in advance so that we know what to do when we go to purchase the flowers.